Quiet Pet Birds: Top 10 Quiet Pet Birds for Apartments

This article will highlight the quiet pet birds for people living in apartments.

Quiet Pet Birds

Birds can be the best pets to keep in an apartment unless they don’t make too much noise.

Birds are known for their vibrant colors and their chirping sounds.

Most birds are noisy, but some are quiet too. 

It would be surprising for many when they are told about quiet birds because people don’t expect birds to be quiet.

This thinking would not be unrealistic if you want a pet bird for your apartment that makes no noise.

It’s the nature of birds to make noise; some scream, some chirp. Some are soft, while some are very loud.

If your bird is quiet for extended periods, this would not be considered healthy.

Apartments are usually built such that they have fewer open spaces and more enclosed areas.

If any noise is produced in an apartment, most people living there would be bothered by that sound.

People living in houses and bungalows have more open spaces and lawns. Hence sound won’t reflect too much and won’t bother neighbors.

People living in apartments only prefer quiet birds or those who don’t chirp too loud.

Ideal pets for people living in apartments would be small quiet birds.

In this article, we would suggest ten quiet pet birds that you can have in your apartment.

Let’s get started.




These very friendly birds chirp most of the day but are not too loud.

These are one of those birds that feel nice to the eyes as well as ears.

Budgerigers are very active species of birds that you can also set free in your apartment for some time.

These tiny birds are as intelligent as any of the big birds.

If you teach them, they can even learn to talk and whistle.

Their small size makes it easy for you to put them anywhere in your apartment and enjoy their presence.



The Canaries are one of those ideal pet birds that you can easily adjust in your apartments.

They have such tiny sounds that their chirping can go unnoticed by a person sitting at a distance.

Despite their small size, they are known for making a mess. They are vocal and visually attractive birds.

Also, they are very cheerful and playful with their owners.

They were initially green, but now they are available in multiple colors due to different breeding styles.



Finches are lovely small-sized birds.

They are ideally kept as pets in apartments because of their tiny voices that don’t disturb anyone.

Their musical chirp is very pleasant to listen to.

They are very active in the morning so that you will wake up to the very musical start of the day.

They are easy to keep as compared to other big birds.

Finches love socializing and enjoy themselves more when kept in groups.

They love to be pampered and handled with care because of their fragile and tiny bodies.




Cockatiels are such beautiful birds to look at.

Their sounds are so not so loud.

Your neighbors won’t be disturbed by their sounds because they are not that loud to reach out of your apartment.

Cockatiels have the fantastic ability to learn whistles quickly.

They can be easily trained.

They are social by nature and quickly adapt to new surroundings.

Female cockatiels are quieter than male ones.



Parrotlet is a very small parrot that is friendly by nature and can be easily trained.

They are quiet by nature and can be kept in any apartment.

Unlike many other noisy parrots, they chirp very softly and never disturb or irritate anyone.

Their owners admire their playful and active attitude.

They are always full of energy.

Amazingly, they can live up to 30 years.




These are large birds, but contrary to other large birds, their chirping is soft.

They are known for their quiet nature.

They have a very social and gentle attitude.

Their large size requires a larger cage for them to be active inside.

This will occupy a little more space in your apartment.

Still, they are an excellent option to keep as a pet because of their soft and silent nature.



These birds are active by nature but sometimes demand a larger space for their activities.

Bourke’s parakeets are peaceful and calm by nature and do not make much noise.

Their quiet nature attracts pet lovers.

They are a good choice for apartment dwellers as they are known for making a good bond with their owners.

All thanks to their gentle nature.



Senegal parrots are very silent by nature, so they are best to keep in your apartments.

They don’t scream as other big birds do.

These birds are not very large but medium in size.

They have a demanding attitude.

Senegal parrot may develop their special bond only with the people they like.

They have the unique talent of mimicking their owner, who trains them.

This is why people are attracted to them and take these as an amusement.



Meyer’s parrots are best known for their nature of copying others.

They may also quickly learn to talk.

Any sound they hear around them, they try to copy immediately.

Even the beep of your oven or your daily alarm tone is not a big deal for them.

This habit of Meyer’s parrots is amusing and enjoyed by people around them.

These are one of the best pets one can have in his apartment because their sounds are not irritating but soft.



Macaws are generally larger in size.

They need a larger space to live in.

But the good news is if you want a macaw for yourself despite living in a small apartment, mini macaws are available too.

They have such delightful nature with immense intelligence.

Mini Macaws are socializing, well-behaved birds with a quiet nature, unlike the larger macaws.

They can also be trained and adapt to their surroundings quickly.




1) Are cockatiels good for apartments?

Cockatiels are wonderful pets for people who live in apartments.

They are relatively medium-sized, so they don’t require a lot of space, and they are very quiet, so they won’t disturb your neighbors.

Cockatiels are also very social creatures, so they enjoy being around people.

If you give your cockatiel plenty of attention, it will be happy and content.

In addition, cockatiels are relatively easy to care for.

They eat a variety of foods, including pellets, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and they only need to bathe occasionally.

As long as you provide your cockatiel with a good diet and plenty of love and attention, it will make a great pet for your apartment.


2) Why does my cockatiel scream all day?

There are a few reasons why your cockatiel may be screaming all day.

Cockatiels are social creatures, and they may scream out of boredom or loneliness if they are not getting enough attention from their human companions.

In addition, cockatiels may scream if they are sick or in pain.

If your cockatiel’s screaming is accompanied by other strange behaviors, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Whatever the reason for your cockatiel’s screaming, it’s important to provide them with plenty of love and attention.

With a little patience, you should be able to train your bird to scream less often.


3) How do I get my bird to shut up?

If you have a chatty bird, there are a few things you can do to encourage it to be quiet.

First, make sure that it has plenty of toys and perches to keep it occupied. A bored bird is more likely to start chattering out of boredom.

Secondly, provide your bird with a varied diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables to help prevent boredom.

Third, make sure that the bird has regular contact with you and other people. Birds are social creatures and need interaction to stay happy.

Finally, if your bird is still chattering away, try covering its cage with a light blanket. This will help muffle the noise and give the bird a sense of security.

With a little patience, you should be able to get your chatty bird to settle down.


4) Do bird cages need to be covered at night?

If you’re a bird owner, you might have wondered whether or not you should cover your bird’s cage at night.

While there are conflicting opinions on the matter, there are a few things to consider that can help you make the best decision for your pet.

One factor to consider is your bird’s sleep habits. Some birds are known to be light sleepers, and covering the cage may help them to get a better night’s sleep.

Another factor is whether or not your bird is prone to night frights. If your bird tends to get agitated or stressed at night, covering the cage may help to calm them down.

Finally, consider your own preferences. If you prefer to keep the cage uncovered so that you can see your bird at night, there’s no reason to cover it. However, if you find that covering the cage helps your bird to sleep better, then it’s probably worth doing.

Ultimately, there isn’t a right or wrong answer when it comes to whether or not to cover a birdcage at night.

It’s simply a matter of what works best for you and your pet.

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