How to Silence the Negative Voice in Your Head

Negative voices that roam around in your head may affect your personality negatively.

They may also become a hurdle to your success and decrease productivity.

When you think negatively, you have negative self-talk, which may cause you to act negatively.

Your behavior changes according to what you think.

For instance, if you keep thinking that you’re socially awkward, your constant negative voice will become your belief one day.

You will start to avoid striking up conversations with others and limit your interaction.

Then people would also perceive you in the same way as you think about yourself.

You will become socially awkward only because of the negative voices in your head.

People will make you more socially awkward when once they realize you don’t have enough confidence.

It is very important to develop a productive inner dialogue that will help you build confidence and mental stability and create a positive change in you.

So in this article, let me tell you about some very healthy ways to deal with negative voices that make noise in your head.


Evaluate your thoughts

When you get any kind of thought in your head, evaluate it.

See whether it’s unrealistic, unproductive, irrational, or it’s rational, productive, or realistic.

For example, if your boss leaves you a message saying, “Come see me as soon as possible.”

What will be the first thought that’ll cross your mind?

If you think more negatively, your first thought might be that you’re getting fired.

Usually, negative voices in your head tell you something extreme and most of the time, unrealistic.

A positive person in this situation might think that he’s getting a raise.

Your thoughts are generated automatically.

You can control them if you firmly decide not to let the negative voice in your head rule you.

Otherwise, these negative thoughts pop in your head without conscious effort.


Look for an evidence

Now, it’s very important to look for evidence of whether your thought is true or not.

You’ll realize that most of the thoughts that automatically pop into your head are your opinions; they are not facts.

Question yourself, “Is there any evidence that it is true?”

Let’s take an example that your dad calls an urgent family meeting.

Your negative voice in your head may tell you that it’s something about you.

You may get reminded of all your past wrongdoings.

But, let your mind relax and think, is there any evidence?

Have you done anything wrong?

Perhaps you missed out on anything, and your dad is mad at you?

List as many reasons as possible and see how much evidence seems valid to you.


See the positive in it

Now that your mind has already crossed all the negative thoughts list down reasons why you think your thoughts might not be true.

Sticking with the same example of your dad calling an emergency family meeting, think about why you’re trying to make this family meeting about you.

Maybe it’s not about you but about one of your siblings.

Maybe there is nothing to worry about; your dad will only announce something nice.

Maybe this meeting this just about having a family lunch together.

Commonly, you struggle to find contrary evidence because you may be running high on emotions.

Think what you would suggest to a friend who had the same situation as yours.

How would you relax him or console him?

This might help you decide your next step and shut the negative voice in your head.


Be realistic

Now that you’ve looked into the evidence from both sides make your mind put things in a proper perspective.

Try to develop a realistic statement.

Make your mind create a statement based on reality.

Don’t convince your mind to think overly positively.

This won’t work, either.

Be realistic and think realistically.

The goal is to stick to reality only.

Referring to the example mentioned in the previous point, your dad may just be calling a family meetup to gather everyone and have fun.


What if your negative voice was true?

Think of the negative voice in your head was true, what would happen?

Face it head-on!

This is the best way to deal with negative self-talk.

Sit in silence and think how you would respond if it was true.

You would find lots of other options to tackle the problem.

What would be the worst thing that would happen to you?

Is it going to be the end of the world?


There every situation has a solution, and everything can be tackled.

Only the negativity in your head makes you think it’s the end of everything.

Remind yourself that, eventually, you’ll be okay.

Don’t panic, worry and don’t dread any situation.

You can always have a new start to everything.

Be realistic and stop overthinking!

Practice positive thinking

Negative self-talk can drain your mental strength.

It can make your life miserable and too depressed.

Now the solution to this is to practice positive thinking.

If you constantly keep trying to think positively, you may eventually develop a habit of thinking positively quickly.

Once you realize that your thoughts aren’t realistic and you’re thinking overly negatively, you will stop getting affected by them.

Your negative thoughts may develop discomfort and unproductive behaviour in your personality.

Be very careful to respond to your negative thoughts healthily.

Regularly practice replacing negative self-talk with positive.

You can only become your best self if you practice this thing.


Train your brain

Train your brain to think positively and deal with negative thoughts.

Practice exhaling; it will release the negative thoughts and clear your head.

Inhaling and exhaling help you stay focused on what you want in life and what you feel; it is a psychological trick.

There’s another technique; if you want to feel confident, think of a time when you felt very confident; what did you feel like?

Recall the situation because emotions affect our thoughts and behaviour.

Were your shoulders pulled back?

Did you feel taller?

What were your emotions?

Your present emotions would change when you recall that past situation.

This exercise will help silence the negative thoughts that keep tiring your brain.

You will feel relaxed, positive and more confident.

The negative voice in your head would convert into a positive voice.


Share with a friend

When negative thoughts are constantly bombarding your head, try to discuss the matter with a friend whom you trust.

Because you’re unable to think anything positive, you can borrow the clear mind of your friend for a while.

He may suggest you something that may be the ultimate solution to your problem.

His opinions may also make you think more clearly and more positively.


Get help

You can also get help from an expert.

There’s nothing bad in it.

An expert can help you think better by making your mind relaxed and stopping the thoughts from roaming around your head.

They can counsel you on how to convert negativity into positivity.

If you don’t get help on time, you’ll be unable to concentrate on anything; you will attract fewer opportunities, resources, relationships, love and wealth.

Negativity affects our life and how we interpret and perceive the world around us.



Every one of us has some insecurities in our lives.

We all face problems and have some kind of darker side.

Due to many reasons, we come across a rush of thoughts in our heads, most of which are negative.

But we should make ourselves capable of silencing them.

I hope that the above article will help you keep the negative voice in your head silent so that you never have to take a step back just because of your fears.



1) How do I silence the negative inner voice?

There are five things you can do to make your negative inner voice silent:

1. Meditate

2. Create a silly self of your inner voice

3. Stop comparisons

4. Practice self-compassion

5. Practice self gratitude


2) Why is the voice in my head so negative?

When you’re under stress or in a state of depression, you are more likely to experience negative voices in your head.

This may also be due to severe mental health conditions.

You may also engage in negative self-talk and may even criticize everything you do, like socializing and participating in public gatherings.


3) How do you deal with negative voices?

There are many simple and easy techniques which may help you deal with negative voices in your head; some of them are:

1. Exercise

2. Be grateful

3. Discuss

4. Find a way to serve

5. Writing it down

6. Replace negativity in your surroundings with positivity


4) What are the effects of negative voices in your head?

Negative voices in your head are known to ‘feed’ anxiety and depression.

They are a great cause of the increase in stress levels.

And also they can lead to decreased motivation and a strong sense of helplessness.


5) How do I convert the negative voices in my head into positive ones?

When someone gives you feedback or corrects you, don’t take that as criticism but take it as constructive.

Allow yourself to improve, built confidence in yourself and be comfortable in your skin.

Try to find positivity in everything, even if you find it very little.

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