How to Handle the Quiet Person on Your Team

There’s a misconception that loud and powerful people are more successful.

In actuality, quiet people are often seen as more successful in their respective fields and are also better leaders.

When you are leading a team, you should know how to manage quiet people.

There are multiple personality types; you should adjust your management style according to the personalities you are leading on your team.

Here, in this article, let us discuss some of the tips to handle those quiet people on your team better.


Don’t assume

The most important tip for you to manage the quiet people on your team is to don’t assume anything.

If they remain quiet, that doesn’t mean they are not interested or don’t want to be a part of your team.

Please don’t assume they’re in a bad mood or disengaged.

They might be processing all the information in their mind or thinking about something really productive.

Those who remain quiet and talk less have the capability to become one of the most engaged members of your team.

Just assuming things about them can be overall dangerous for your team.

You might think negatively about them and kick them out of the team, which might cause your team a lot of harm.

You might lose a very intelligent and productive member of your team.


Don’t show up suddenly

There is a high chance that quiet people don’t like it when people meet them without prior notice.

They don’t like sudden encounters.

If they prefer communicating by email, text messages, or calls, respect their choice.

If you catch them by surprise, they won’t be able to respond properly to you.

Quiet people need to process, and they need to take time before they answer.

Try to respect their choice and give them time.

Give them all the space they want.

This will be better for your team.

If you want to get the maximum output from your team members, you should adjust your management style according to your team members.


One-on-one conversations

If you want to get the best feedback out of your quiet team members, have one-on-one conversations with them.

Quiet people feel more comfortable in a calm and quiet environment when they’re alone, away from the noise.

It would be best if you informed them sometime before you want to meet them so that they get time to gather all their thoughts.

They will give their best in a calm and quiet environment.

They can’t tolerate the crowd around them.

In such situations, they will become quieter and won’t express themselves at all because crowds make them anxious and cause irritation for them.


Give time before asking for an opinion

give time

Know that a quiet person always needs time to process, digest, and think before giving you any smart response.

If you want the opinion of your quiet team member after a discussion, give them some time to think and formulate their ideas.

You can ask for their opinion the next day.

Or, if not the next day, you can give them at least some time and ask them to come back with their gathered thoughts after some time.

And after you think they have gathered their thoughts and they are ready to talk to you, communicate using their favorite form of communication.

You can send them an email or a text message if you think that would work.


Quiet environment

As a team leader, you are responsible for providing a productive environment for your team members.

If you have someone quiet on your team, you should provide them with a quiet environment where they can work more efficiently and productively.

Try your best to create such an environment where all your team members can give their best.

Quiet people don’t like to be in noisy places.

They can’t give their best in an environment where they face lots of disturbance or noise.

Don’t ignore them

Quiet people often go unnoticed.

This is because they don’t speak too much and do not participate in all the conversations.

You need to make an effort to notice them, and they also need to go the extra mile to get themselves noticed.

So when you have a quiet team member, you should not ignore them.

Maybe if you ignore them, you miss out on a gem.

Quiet people are more intelligent and productive.

Albert Einstein, Warren Baffett, Steve Wozniak, Michael Jordan, and Bill Gates are all included in the list of quiet people.

So in order to get the maximum from your team, you should not ignore any member of your team.

And, you should make an extra effort to know the quiet people on your team.


Be mindful of them

Be mindful

As the team leader, you should be mindful of all your team members.

You must be intelligent enough to know about the different personalities of your team members.

You should know how to manage your team with all the differences.

The quiet person on your team should also get equal importance and attention.

You should try to build up your emotional intelligence to help you better deal with all of the personalities.

Actually, what you need to understand about the quiet team members is that they might be perceived as shy, underconfident, or unhappy.

But you need to understand the matter and how to deal with it.

Be mindful and be very patient with them.

If you give your quiet team members a chance, you will be surprised to know that they are more intelligent and smart and have great ideas.


Importance of the quiet person on your team

Now that we have discussed above how you should deal with the quiet person on your team, let us see why it is important to deal with the quiet person appropriately.

Let’s discuss the importance of the quiet person and how he can make a difference while being on your team.


Better listener

Quiet people are better listeners.

They talk less and listen more.

They listen to the instructions quietly while absorbing everything you say.

On the other hand, extrovert people are more command and control type people.

They will not follow your commands as a quiet person will do.

Humble people

Quiet people are seen to be more humble than extroverts.

Thanks to their humble nature, they prove to be more obedient.

They follow all the instructions and remain very careful while working within a team.

Humble people build the best teams.



Quiet and introverted people are very creative.

They reflect and analyze what’s going on around the team.

That reflection makes them more creative in everything.

At the same time, creative people make smarter decisions.

People who talk too much or are extroverts are more aggressive and can’t make smarter decisions.

So, if you have a quiet person on your team, be happy because you are allowing creativity to come in.


Deeper connections

Quiet people are good at forming more deeper connections.

If you want your team members to work with unity and form deeper and stronger connections, then you should feel lucky to have a quiet person on your team.

Quiet people make more one-to-one connections with other team members and get to know them personally.

Whereas extroverts don’t form deeper connections because they talk too meaningless.



Quiet people are more self-aware of themselves than extroverts.

Self-aware people are the right kind of people to be present in your team.

They help in team building and in the success of your team.



Quiet people experience more of everything that’s happening around them because they analyze and absorb everything.

They take calculated steps for everything they’re planning to do.

Make sure that if you have a quiet member on your team, you should provide them with the right kind of environment so that they can give their fullest.

Don’t ignore and be mindful of them.

Be happy to have quiet people on your team because they are more creative and team-oriented.

They might take your team to new heights.

Never underestimate their talents and never assume things about them.




1) How to deal with quiet team members?

Let quiet people know that you understand their nature.

Make them feel comfortable with you and provide them with the appropriate environment where they feel relaxed.


2) How do you encourage quiet team members?

Your team members should know that they are valued.

Don’t make them feel that their quietness is their weakness.

Also, you can encourage them by giving them positive feedback on their success and keep reminding them that the team is fortunate to have them.

Let them know what their importance is.


3) How do you get a quiet team member to talk?

Ask them questions that you think might work as icebreakers.

Ask them fun questions that may not upset them or irritate them.

Allow them to talk so that they might also feel heard.

And also, give them opportunities that you think might help them open up and connect with everyone.


4) Should I call out the quiet person for not speaking up during team meetings?

No, it is not helpful to call out the quiet person for not speaking up during team meetings.

This can make the person feel embarrassed or ashamed, and it may further discourage them from speaking up in the future.

Instead, create an environment that encourages all team members to share their thoughts and ideas, and approach the quiet person in a supportive and respectful manner.


5) What if the quiet person prefers to work alone?

If the quiet person prefers to work alone, it is important to respect their working style.

However, it is still important to make sure they are included in team meetings and activities and to give them opportunities to contribute in their own way.

For example, you could assign them a specific task that plays to their strengths or ask for their input via email or other communication channels.

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