How to Chew Quietly

Audible sounds that we make can be very disturbing to people around us.

All of us need to learn how to chew quietly, especially when people around us are sensitive to noise caused when we eat.

When you are sitting in the company of others, try to eat as silently as you can because the sound of chewing is sometimes felt disgusting by others.

Here are some methods to help you and others around you enjoy a quiet meal.


Keep mouth closed

You must have learned these important table manners as a child to keep your mouth closed while you chew on food.

If you chew with your mouth open, that is definitely going to make some kind of sound.

Sometimes it may be challenging to keep your mouth closed while you are munching your favorite meal, but if you really want to learn how to chew silently, keep your mouth closed.

Don’t even open your mouth to talk to someone till you are done chewing your bite.

Let your jaw move with your lips sealed to ensure your mouth is closed.


Slow chewing

Slow chewing will not only make the process quieter but it will also give you many other benefits.

When you eat fast you become a loud eater because you don’t focus on keeping your mouth shut.

Even if you’re alone at home or if you are feeling ravenous after a hectic then even it’s not the right way to eat.

Chewing slowly will become your habit only if you practice eating the right way while you’re alone.

Other benefits of chewing silently include good digestion and a lower chance of overeating.

This way you will also enjoy eating the food more because every bite stays in your mouth for more time.

Do you know that every bite should be chewed at least 30 times?

It is good to aid your digestion and get the maximum benefit from the food you eat.

Smaller bites

Taking a smaller bite is important to keep your mouth closed while you eat and to chew every bite properly.

If you take a bigger bite that might not allow you to close your mouth and it will also make it difficult for you to chew it properly.

Smaller bites are more manageable making mealtime a silent affair.

You can help yourself by cutting your meal into smaller portions and then taking in each bite slowly.

Another benefit of taking smaller bites is that you can move your food around your mouth easily to enjoy its flavor and texture.

It also helps in making you lose weight because larger bites will make you eat more food so there are more chances of overeating.

Smaller bites help you decide how much you need to eat.


Be mindful

Be mindful of how much you eat.

When you are too hungry after a long day at work, chances are that you may stuff your mouth with a lot of food immediately when you’re offered food.

Don’t forget the manners of eating even if you’re very hungry.

If you have people around you, make yourself more composed while you eat because table manners reflect a lot about your personality.

Focus on what you eat, how you eat, and how much you eat to make mealtime a mindful experience.

This is why you should not talk, watch television or use a mobile phone while you eat so that you focus fully on eating and chewing.

Don’t think of anything else apart from eating at the dinner table.



The outside noise is a big factor in not being mindful while you eat.

Noise is a big distraction, whether it’s the music, the melody playing in the restaurant, the loud people around you, or the television noise in the background.

Noise makes your focus away from food and chewing.

It may be hard for some people to eat in complete silence but make sure to avoid the loud sounds at mealtime as much as possible.

You may get surprised when you notice that your chewing speed also gets fast and slow along with the music that’s playing in the background.

Even though you may not have the intention to do so.

Keep swallowing

I can understand how tempted you may feel to take the next bite as quickly as possible when you’re having your favorite delicious meal.

Even if you have already divided your meal into smaller portions and you’re focusing on chewing slowly, your temptations may make you take another bite before you have swallowed the previous one.

This way you won’t be able to avoid making sounds while you chew.

So, make sure you chew the first bite properly and swallow it before you take the bite, this will help you chew quietly.

Crunchy foods

Crispy and crunchy snacks are noisier while you chew them.

Soft food items make less sound while chewing.

If you want to avoid the sound of chewing as much as possible, try to resist crunchy food items when you are sitting in the company of others.

Most raw vegetables and fruits like carrots, celery, and apples produce crunchy sounds when you bite or chew them.

While snacks like chips, crackers, and nuts also make noise when you bite them.

If you can’t avoid eating them you should cut them into very small bite-size pieces before eating.

Mirror test

Before you go out for a meal with friends or colleagues, have a test run for yourself.

Sit in front of the mirror and chew any food item.

See how your mouth is positioned and how you’re chewing.

Are you making any sounds while you chew on the food?

If yes, then change your mouth positioning and also change your technique until you hear no chewing sound.

Use the front of your mouth

While you chew the food, chew in the front of the mouth instead of chewing at the back.

The front of the mouth helps you chew softer thus making less or no sound.

You chew harder when you chew at the back of your mouth, so it produces noise.


A little lubrication of food goes a long way.

Use butter, gravy, water, or any drink that will help you make your food softer.

It will also help you in chewing less and making the process more fast and easy to swallow.

Also, you will notice that this type of food that gets softer makes almost no noise while you chew.

Close your eyes

When you have put the bite in your mouth and started chewing, chew with your eyes closed.

This way you will get a better focus on how much sound is being produced while you chewed.

This is because when you cut down on one sense, you make the other one stronger.

If you hear any sound, try to change your technique of eating.

Closing your eyes will also enhance the sense of taste, making the food more experience more joyful.


People who make loud sounds while chewing the food make the dining experience very annoying and sometimes disgusting.

The basic table manners that should be taught to a child at a very young age also include chewing quietly.

When you’re sitting in the company of friends and family, try not to make any sound while you chew.

Even if you’re eating alone, keep practicing chewing silently.

The methods discussed in this article will surely help you make mealtime a quieter experience for you and others around you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start practicing them today!


1) How do you get kids to chew quietly?

Chewing quietly is one of the very important table manners that should be taught to kids at a very early age.

Show your kids how you chew your food quietly, and make them practice it by reminding them again and again while they have their meals.

2) How do you get quieter with crunchy foods?

Chips, crisps tortillas, etc are specially engineered to make the crunch sound so it may be sometimes very difficult to eat them in a quiet manner.

But you can still try making them a little damper with any drink you’re having with your snacks.

Making the crunchy food a little damper will make it lose its crunchiness.

Another technique is to press your crunchy food against the roof of your mouth with the help of your tongue.

The softness of the tongue will make the food lose its crunchiness.

3) How many times should a food be chewed?

According to studies, on average a food bite should be chewed at least 32 times.

Foods that are harder to chew such as nuts, should be chewed at least 40 times or even more.

Softer foods such as watermelon or mashed potatoes can be chewed less like 5 or 10 times per bite.

So, it all depends on the type of food you’re having.

4) How do you chew slowly?

Tips to help you chew and eat slowly:

  • Stay away from distractions like television and mobile fone while you eat.
  • Sit while eating.
  • Keep your focus on the meal.
  • Try to find a quieter place to eat.
  • Chew more before you swallow.

5)Q: How can I politely ask someone to chew more quietly?

A: You can politely ask someone to chew more quietly by saying something like, “Excuse me, would you mind chewing a little more quietly?” or “I’m sorry, but the sound of your chewing is a bit distracting.”

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