How to Destroy a Car Quietly

how to destroy a car quietly

It is a strange phenomenon for your ears to want to destroy your car. I think no one ever wants to do so. But, if, for some reason, you are thinking about it, we are here to discuss the execution of this weird concept. There can be some justifications for it. For example, one wants … Read more

Causes of Noisy Toilet Flush (When Not in Use)

noisy toilet flush

A noisy toilet flush when not in use can be a frustrating and annoying problem for many homeowners. The sound of water running or a constant hissing can be disruptive and distracting, particularly if you have a bathroom near your bedroom. There are several possible causes of a noisy toilet flush, and in this article, … Read more

How to Soundproof a Basement Ceiling

how to soundproof a basement ceiling

Soundproofing a basement ceiling can be an expensive affair as well as an easy and cheap one. First, you have to decide whether you want to soundproof your basement ceiling. There can be many reasons why you have to soundproof your basement ceiling. If you have turned your basement into a home office, a library, … Read more

Car Squeaks while Turning: Reasons and Fixes

Car Squeaks while Turning

The noise level created by old things, such as toys, furniture, and household gadgets like fridges, AC, etc., is justifiable. But when your new car (or not a much older one) makes a squeaky noise, it is irritating.  Usually, it makes such noises while turning the car when you rotate the steering wheel. In this … Read more

How to Make Your Car Quieter Inside

make you car quieter

Your vehicle is your comfort. A personal car is a dream for all of us. It is now not counted as the luxury of life; instead, a car is the comfort of life. Something valuable, which we always take care of. How will you feel when you are out with your family or friends in … Read more

How to Soundproof a Door

how to soundproof a door

When you think of soundproofing any room in your house, office or anywhere else, the first thing you’ll start with is the door. Soundproofing a door is the most important factor because doors are a major culprit in letting noise in and out. If air can pass through the door, so can the noise. There … Read more

5 Ideas to Block Out Snoring Without Earplugs

block out snoring

Most people snore while sleeping, and blocking out snoring without earplugs can be difficult. When you wake up late at night because of your partner’s snoring, this may be the worst kind of helpless feeling. Disruptive sleep will not only make you annoyed at that moment, but also it will affect your next day’s energy … Read more

How To Quiet A Noisy Air Conditioner

How To Quiet A Noisy Air Conditioner

Air conditioners have become an important part of our lives, but if your air conditioner makes too much noise, that can make your life miserable. A loud humming noise from an air conditioner can disturb your sleep and life. Not getting a proper night’s sleep will make it unable for your to concentrate at work … Read more

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